Tuesday, November 22, 2011

DIY Spray Foam

Leaks can occur anywhere in your home not just in your faucets, but also in your attic, basement, windows or walls. These kinds of leaks in your home are known as air leaks. When unwanted air enters or leaves your home, this can negatively impact your energy bills because you will require more air conditioning in the summer months and more heat during the winter months. It has been shown that the average homeowner or renter can spend nearly $3000 extra every five years in energy bills due to air leaks in the home! With rising energy costs, the need for a better insulated home is clear.

A cost effective way to help reduce and save on your energy costs is to properly insulate the home with spray foam. Not only can you save on the energy costs, you can also save on the spray foam application process by doing it yourself. Master Pack offers affordable spray foam equipment that you can rent, and we also offer training and guidance throughout the process.


Saves energy cost - 40% energy savings
• Stops air and moisture infiltration
• Adds strength to building structure
• Keeps dust and pollen out

Contact us today to begin saving on your energy costs.

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